👋 About Us

In accordance with the National Strategy (2018-2037), which emphasizes the use of artificial intelligence to enhance the potential and competitiveness of industries and services, and considering the rapid advancement of this technology, which increasingly affects daily life, the development and utilization of artificial intelligence must be prioritized, taking into account the potential impacts on humans and society.

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University has therefore established Human-Centered AI Laboratory (KU-HCAI) with the following objectives:

  1. To conduct research and develop innovative artificial intelligence solutions to assist and improve human life quality.
  2. To study the social impacts and analyze ethical issues related to artificial intelligence.
  3. To provide interdisciplinary artificial intelligence research services to external organizations.
  4. To disseminate knowledge and understanding of human-centered artificial intelligence.
Human-Centered AI Laboratory (KU-HCAI)
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Bangkok 10900, Thailand